
clinging to

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clinging to发音




bringing to───使恢复知觉;停船



drinking to───为…干杯;为…祝贺

changing tone───变调

clinging vine───n.依附男人的女人


ringing tone───n.(英)电话的振铃声

slinging off───抛掷


Heidi had been clinging to her grandfather and looking up to him with trusting eyes.───小海蒂一直紧紧抓着她的爷爷,用信任的眼神看着他。

Clinging to the future is a though one too.───执着于未来也是如此。

This girl is such infatuated with new moppet, clinging to it day and night.───这个女孩对她的新娃娃如此着迷,她日日夜夜地抱着它。

His T-shirt was now clinging to his thin frame like a second skin, and his hair was plastered to his face.───他的T恤已经湿透了,紧贴着身体像又裹了一层皮,头发也贴着脸颊。

When the storm struck, she was swept out to sea, clinging to a bit of wreckage.───当暴风雨来临的时候,她被卷进了海里,抓住了一些残骸。

Neighbors saw the mother, a towel over her head, clinging to her one surviving child, being escorted by the police to a waiting ambulance.───邻居们见到这位母亲时,她头上裹着毛巾,紧紧抱着她仅存的那一个孩子,在警察的护送下进入一辆等候在外的救护车里。

And yet, as a recent porn hysteria post at The Good Men Project demonstrates, we still love clinging to these simplistic notions.───然而,最近“好男人项目”中一篇关于不雅物癔症的文章表明,我们仍然喜欢坚持这种超单纯的想法。

Even through the twilight they could see that clinging to its stem against the wall was the long ivy leaf.───即使透过暮光他们也能看到那片长长的常青藤叶子,靠着砖墙,仅仅抱住梗茎。

He leaned into her body, as if clinging to the threads of her will to live.───奥托紧靠她的身躯,似乎抓着她要继续生存的意志细线。


Some of the hairpin bends had Ruth clinging to her seat.

We discerned the figure of a man clinging to the mast of the wrecked ship.

I cleaned off the earth clinging to my boots.

Astrochele is commonly found clinging to gorgonians, corals, etc.

The climbers were clinging to a ledge hundreds of feet above the sea.

Kate was still clinging to the wreckage of her failed marriage.

She further offended doctors by clinging to patently wrong ideas.

Confined to the fine arts, this clinging to the safe and known was just a brake upon innovation and exuberance.

There was ivy clinging to the wall.



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