
up and out

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up and out发音




up and about───(病人病情好转)起床走动

out and out───不折不扣地;彻底地

to hand out───分发

up and down───上上下下;到处;前前后后;来来往往

bland out───平淡

hand out───分发;施舍;把…拿出来

pad out───(用不必要的材料)拉长(文章和书);用填料填满

paid out───支付,付出;借出款

pound out───连续猛击


It seems here to rise up and out of the city and the river.───它好像从画面升起,超越了这座城市和这条河。

most models, the screen folds up and out of your way when not in use.───这样不看电视的时候,大多数型号柜底式电视机的屏幕可以折叠起来不碍事。

If there were peanuts in your lungs, how would you cough them up and out?───如果你的肺部有颗花生,你会怎样咳嗽出来?

I always start with a basic foundation. From that point, I build up and out until it is no longer a set of random blocks.───我每次都是从基础开始,由基础一步步往上搭,最终用一套零碎的积木搭建成一件完整的作品。

The eyebrows do not lie flat but, instead, arch up and out in a curve that lightly veils the eyes.───眉毛不能平躺着,但眉毛是以拱形向外延伸,呈优美的曲线,并遮盖住眼睛。

The gods wanted to put him to the test and restored him to health very quickly. Soon he was up and out of bed.───神灵们要考验他,便迅速恢复了他的健康。他很快就离开了病榻。

It is a more or less arbitrary set-up and out of kilter with the integrated nature of the world economy and financial markets.───这或多或少是一种专制体制,与世界经济及金融市场的公平特质是不相符的。

how he had lost his way, and "They" were up and out hunting, and were chivvying him round and round.───说他迷了路,他们全都出来追逐他,撵得他团团转。

It will be a wonderful opportunity to step up and out of the chaos, into a period of relative peace and calm.───而是一个极好的机会,你们可以走出混乱,进入相对安宁和平静的时期。


Once again, Charlie scrambled up and out of the trench only yards behind.

They plan to use a hydraulic jack to lift the assembly up and out of the reactor.

It's too bad of Blondel, he keeps getting them muddled up and out of order.

The Chiefs' balloon soared up and out of the stadium.

If I close down the flue up the chimney, then less of the heat escapes up and out.

In any case, take off eye make-up gently with a cotton ball, stroking up and out.

Her collection of outdoor treasures shot to the ground as in a single movement she leapt up and out between the trees.

Designed by Kenneth Loh and Michelle Lim, this eco-tower has a hollow core that acts as a stack to draw hot air up and out of the building, while drawing cool air in from the bottom.

Kabaraijian stabbed again, and twisted up and out , ripping a gash in tunic and flesh.



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