
rubber gasket

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rubber gasket发音


橡胶垫; 橡胶垫片; 橡胶密封垫; 橡皮垫片



rubber game───橡皮游戏

lumber jacket───n.伐木者穿的夹克衫

rubber bullet───橡胶子弹

rubber gloves───n.橡胶手套

rubber bullets───橡胶子弹(rubberbullet的复数)

rubber stamped───橡皮图章;无主见的人;未经审查即批准

bomber jacket───n.(腰部和袖口有松紧带的)短夹克

litter basket───废物筐

rubber band───橡皮筋


Remove the bezel and rubber gasket from the motor output shaft.───从马达输出轴上拆卸玻璃框和橡皮垫圈。

Self - locking include self - locking teeth external blade, silicon rubber gasket, internal ring.───环切吻合器( 自锁 式)由含自锁齿外环刀口 、 硅橡胶垫环 、 内环构成.

Main structure Fastening include external blade, silicon rubber gasket, internal ring, fastening parts.───环切吻合器(紧固式)由含紧固件外环刀口 、 硅橡胶垫环 、 内环构成.

two halves shall be sealed by diamond shaped cross section rubber gasket permanently locked by a groove in the valve body.───阀体的两个部分应该采用钻石形交叉橡胶垫圈通过阀体的卡箍永久性锁定密封起来。

For example, wrought iron furniture in the "foot" on to install rubber gasket, lest scratch ground decorates material.───例如在铁艺家具的“脚”上要安装橡胶垫,以免划伤地面装饰材料。


Remove the bezel and rubber gasket from the motor output shaft.

The cupping is made of organic glass, the filling cut of it has rubber gasket and airlock, and use injector to exhaust air(other equipment can also be used to exhaust).

Self - locking include self - locking teeth external blade, silicon rubber gasket, internal ring.

A rubber gasket seal is used between a clamp nut of a barrel screw bolt and the outer wall of the barrel body of the utility model.

The compressive modulus of Elasticity of the butanone rubber gasket are given, based on the compressive test Value of this type gasket, with the analysis and inference method by the authors.



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