
make up of

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make fun of───取笑

make up for───补偿,弥补

make use of───使用,利用

make up to───接近;奉承;补足

take up on───接受

make much of───极为重视;充分利用;理解

makes up for───补偿,弥补

make hay of───使混乱;使对自己有利

makes up to───接近;奉承;补足


One reason may be the skills make-up of the British workforce.───之一可能是英国劳动力的技术构成。

Although the gross productivity number fell short of expectations, the make-up of the number was encouraging for a turn to job growth.───尽管总生产力数字低于预期,它的数字构成中却有令人鼓舞的工作机会增长的苗头。

The simple digital storage oscillograph can make up of general oscillograph appended circuits.───普通示波器通过附加电路可构成简易数字存储示波器.

Scrubbing and rolling heat was main make up of plastic dissipative energy and elastic hysteresis energy.───搓滚热量主要来源于搓滚过程中的塑性耗散能和弹性滞后能.

Using SCM and element make up of feedback network, buildup AC regulator.───再应用单片机和其他元件构成反馈控制网络, 组成了交流稳压器.

Wedding day make - up of the division which is better?───婚礼当天的化装师哪个比较好?

Genetic recombination is an important process involved in shaping the genetic make up of progeny.───遗传学重新结合子孙的遗传学补足的涉及形成的一重要过程.

Mezzanine structure is make up of steel column, floor beam, meal deck, etc.───楼层结构由框架柱 、 楼层梁 、 钢楼承板以及边模板等组成.

Bill: Scientific advances have enabled food producers to alter the genetic make - up of many common foods.───比尔: 科学的发展使得食品生产商们能够改变很多普通食物的基因构成.

Genotype refers to the genetic make - up of an organism or a virus.───基因型指生物或病毒的基因结构.

Genotype The genetic make - up of an organism.───基因型:是生物体的遗传组成.

Thirdly, the industry make-up of our economy is continually changing.───第三,构成我们经济的产业在持续变化。

Investment demand and consumer demand make up of the main content of the total demand.───投资需求和消费需求,是构成总需求的主要部分.

Automatic identifying the arbitrary format character string make up of 16 numbers in the text file.───自动识别保存在文本中的任意格式的16位提取码字符串.

No matter what substance it may is , it is make up of atom.───不管这是什么物质, 都由原子构成.

The ideological make-up of the unions is now radically different from what it had been.───协会的思想观念与过去截然不同。

Cos you know New York city is make up of basketball.───要知道纽约可是篮球圣地啊.

Apply strap wrench make - up of no more than one to two turns beyond finger thread engagement.───在手指旋转使螺纹啮合无间隙后,再用带式扳手旋转不要超过一至两圈.


Scrubbing and rolling heat was main make up of plastic dissipative energy and elastic hysteresis energy.

Using SCM and element make up of feedback network, buildup AC regulator.

Mezzanine structure is make up of steel column, floor beam, meal deck, etc.

Automatic identifying the arbitrary format character string make up of 16 numbers in the text file.

In order to make up of this legislative flaw and to give the victim's condonation the corresponding legal status, the article will do systematic research on it.

The simple digital storage oscillograph can make up of general oscillograph appended circuits.

The generation rules make up of the major knowledge resource of XMGEN, which include five submodules: Sentence, Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverb Phrase.

The controller make up of TMS320F2812 DSP chip, detecting circuits include sampling circuit, modulate circuit and phase locked loop and other periphery control and drive circuit.

The software for ground workstation make up of data acquisition module, computing time module, difference computing module and module for flight track.



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