
it was raining

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fitness training───体能训练;体育训练

interval training───间歇训练;间歇训练法

in training───准备就绪

initial training───初始训练;新进训练

formal training───[劳经]正规训练;形式练习;[劳经]正式训练

manual training───手工训练;手工课

out of training───体能状况不好的

in-house training───内部培训

military training───军事训练;军训


It was raining this morning.───今天上午在下雨。

It was raining harder than ever.───当时下着前所未有的大雨。

It was raining hard outside.───外面雨下得很大。

But it was raining and some of us had to watch the eclipse indoor and I was one of them.───可惜天在下雨,所以我们中有一部份人要在室内看日食,我就是其中之一。

By questioning the witness, the attorney elicited the fact that it was raining at the time of the accident.───通过询问目击证人,律师推论出这个事实,发生事故时正在下雨。

It was raining harder and harder. Little Hans lost his way. He fell into a deep hole full of water and was drowned.───雨越下越大。小汉斯迷了路,掉进一个深水坑里淹死了。

It was raining and dark, we started to walk through the high grass, and I continued to fell down.───天黑了,又下起雨来,我们又一次穿过高草往外走,我则继续不停地摔倒。

When he took out a piece of paper to write something down, the paper was wet and then he knew that it was raining.───他突然拿出一张纸写点东西,是湿的,然后他才知道,天正在下雨。

It was raining heavily. Jane felt cold, so she got close to her mother.───雨下得很大。简感到冷,所以紧靠着母亲。


It was raining, but even so we had to go out.

It was raining heavily but he set out undeterred.

It was raining on Monday.

It was raining hard when we set off.

Though it was raining, he went there.

It was raining. The little girl helped her grandmother forward difficultly.

It was raining this morning.

It was raining and thundering.

It was raining. The little girl helped her grandmother along difficultly.



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